Under Construction


I never knew my love of fashion would contribute to a daily blog, and an Instagram dedicated to fashion!  

With that being said, If you have viewed my blog, in the last few days, you would've seen that it is going through some changes! I'm happy to apply my new skills, and state that it is a learning process! I've been playing around with numerous layouts, but finally set on this one! I think this layout is a more professional and is more clean cut!  Everyday is a new day, and if you are not working to better yourself and your life, day by day, you are only setting yourself back! So today, I am working on organizing my blog, and staying positive :)

On an other note, has anyone listened to the new Taylor Swift album?! I have to give her mad props for restricting it from all Youtube sites and Spotify, forcing the rest of us to buy it just to get our hands on it! If you haven't heard it yet, I strongly recommend you get your own copy!

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